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Aso's overdue trip to China

Reading Time: 2 mins

In Brief

Taro Aso is scheduled to visit Beijing on October 24 and 25 for the the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) but the focus of the trip will be in his planned meeting with President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao.

Aso was foreign minister from October 2005 until August 2007 but did not visit China once. It would have been difficult for him to do so during Koizumi's time (which doesn't mean that he shouldn't have) but it is surprising he didn't during Abe's leadership which started in October 2006.

While Abe was breaking the ice, Wen Jiabao was melting the ice, Hu Jintao was playing ping pong and Fukuda was warming ties, Aso was making random noises in the background and staying away from China.


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At least Aso is going now, but his trip this time is may be too late. Chances are slim for him to make any significant positive impact on the bilateral relationship; his best chance may have come and gone as foreign minister.

What can Aso achieve with so many battles on the domestic front and polls showing the LDP could lose the impending election? It was widely believed Aso would call a November election but it seems the financial crisis which has also engulfed Japan (the Japanese stock market being hit harder than most Asian countries last week) has given him some breathing room. The opposition DPJ finally supporting the bill to extend the refueling mission in the Indian Ocean (a tactical retreat according to Tobias Harris) and the chance to push through a 10 trillion yen economic stimulus package might be short term domestic victories that could give him a bounce in the polls with enough momentum going into the elections.

Aso’s upcoming visit to China would be to delivered something that is not presently anticipated to build on the significance of the last few bilateral leadership visits. There is a chance that the powerful Japanese bureaucracy pushes an initiative through but their power in running the country has waned. More likely the visit, from a leader who could be one of the shortest serving PMs in Japanese history (a bold claim given recent experience!), will be a small blip on the radar screen of current Sino-Japanese relations.

2 responses to “Aso’s overdue trip to China”

  1. Shiro,

    One correction: the DPJ is not supporting the bill to extend the refueling mission. The party has simply decided that it won’t hold up the bill in the upper house.

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